Editorial Webinar
Content on market trends and developments typically performs very well with the CPHI audience. By sponsoring one of our editorial webinars, you can align your brand with a specialist topic, and be seen as an industry thought-leader.
Key Features:
• Select a pre-defined topic from our content calendar
We focus on a different topic area each month, which are defined through market research.
• Position yourself as a thought leader
Stand out from your competitors, earn credibility and be seen as a subject matter expert.
• Reach a broad segment of the CPHI audience and generate GDPR-compliant leads
(Subject to opt-in). You’ll receive a full webinar report and data list; including name, company, job title, email address and country.
• Take the podium
Nominate your subject matter expert to get involved in the content through a presentation or panel role, alongside industry-leading speakers.